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"Shelly has years of faithful service on the North Central Ohio District and an impeccable history of leading people in worship of Jesus Christ.  She sees herself as a worship leader and not an artist, and will be a blessing to your church's worship ministry."

Wendell Brown  •  District Superintendent  •  NCO District  •  Church of the Nazarene



“I have had the privilege of working with Shelly on several occasions. She is a worship leader who takes us right into the presence of God. Spiritually sensitive and thoughtful, Shelly brings us the word of God.”

Dr. Carla Sunberg  •  General Superintendent  •  Church of the Nazarene



"One of the best things I can say about anyone is that they are a worshiper, because that is the purpose for our creation. Shelly Head is a worshiper! This is the foundation on which her music leadership and instruction is built.

Deciding to make changes in the worship direction is one thing but working through the transition is another. Shelly has been deeply involved in this transitional process in three strong churches. 

It is my pleasure to commend Shelly Head to you. I know that she has a heart for God and a love for people. She desires to help people love God and worship Him in new and deeper ways. Please consider inviting her to help with the 'worship transition' in your local church."

Nathan Ward  •  Senior Pastor  •  Wooster Nazarene



I’ve had the privilege of knowing Shelly for several years now, and the conviction with which she approaches ministry is as pure as they come. Her desire to build others up and see them flourish within their callings motivates everything she does. Whether she’s sitting in a writing room, standing on a stage, or pouring into others one-on-one, her love for Jesus is paramount and it shines in all she does. 

Michael Farren •  Worship Pastor •  Integrity Music



"Shelly is a passionate, articulate, talented and centered follower of Jesus! She has a unique ability to steward her personal worship while engaging and inviting others to do so too. I highly recommend Shelly if your church  needs help developing a worship culture or if you need a special worship leading guest."

Brad Kochis •  Lead Pastor •  The Refinery Church



"Transformational. Anointed. Prophetic. Inspirational. These are only a few words that I would use to describe the ministry of Shelly Head. When Shelly starts to lead or instruct in worship, people will quickly be brought into the presence of Jesus. I encourage churches and leaders to experience her ministry."

Rob McCorkle  •  Pastor and Evangelist  •  Church of the Nazarene



"I have had the pleasure of serving under Shelly's leadership, walking side by side with her as a peer, and having her serve as a part of my ministry. Working with her in all of these seasons has given me a perspective of her giftings and abilities that has been tested by time and trial. Shelly has proven herself to be a passionate follower of Jesus with a heart for Him and His church that I have rarely seen equalled. She is driven to see the Body of Christ be all that it can be through experiential connection and committed relationship with the Holy Spirit. She is a cheerleader of people in all stages of skill and musicianship, attempting to bring out the best in them and give them an opportunity to shine. She has a pastor’s heart and is the epitome of a servant leader in all that she does. I am grateful for the life lessons that I have drawn from my interaction with her and I know that anyone serving alongside or being ministered to by her would feel the same."

Nate Ward   •  Worship Leader  •  Wooster Nazarene



"I have known Shelly for almost 20 years and have found her to be one of the most conscientious and consistent servants of Christ I have known. Beyond her character, Shelly is a student of the Word.  She has preached at our local Church several times and our people have found her speaking ability to be strong and encouraging. Theologically, she has been spot on. In the context of our local Church, she has always been good about meeting us where we are and challenging us to take the next step in being a presence driven community.  I would recommend her for speaking engagements, retreats and conferences without a hint of reservation."

Phil Hurlbert  •  Lead Pastor and Chaplain  •  Church of the Nazarene



"Shelly has a unique gifting in that she loves to lead worship and write songs, but she does so from the true heart of a pastor.  When she hears the voice of God, she follows fearlessly as she leads.  She is steadfast, she is trustworthy, and her motivation is always Kingdom."

Krissy Nordhoff  •  Singer Songwriter & Worship Leader  • Integrity Music/Brave Worship



“How would I describe Shelly?  Heart Driven. Helpful. Flexible. Shelly always adds something when she joins our church for a service. She makes it so easy for our church to worship and our band loves how she leads them. Highly Recommended!!!”

Pastor Stephen Banks  •  Lead Pastor  •  Richmond Heights Nazarene Church



"I have known and partnered with Shelly Head in various venues of ministry for almost 20 years.  There is no one I know who has a greater desire for The Church to encounter the Presence of God in corporate worship or more heart to pursue it.  She leads worship with sensitivity to both Holy Spirit and to the congregation, determined to build a bridge between them that leads to an encounter as the Lord is exalted.  Her love and value for people – both those on the team with her and those entering into worship from their seats – make her a leader that can be trusted."

Kathy Frizzell  •  Worship Director  •  Wooster Nazarene



“If you are a pastor or local church looking to book a guest worship leader or speaker for your conference, special event, or Sunday services, I recommend Shelly Head. Shelly walks in anointing for music and songwriting, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, and a sincere heart for leading the body of Christ closer to Him.”

Corey Voss  •  Worship Leader & Songwriter  •  Integrity Music / Madison Street Music



"Shelly is a vibrant Christ follower!  I was blessed to host her on a mission trip in Argentina and her joy is contagious. Although I was the "missionary" she ministered to me in a difficult time in our lives through her authentic and caring ability to connect, listen and encourage. Beyond her gifts and abilities, Shelly is a friend and someone to imitate."

Rev. Robin Radi  •  Missionary to Argentina   •  Church of the Nazarene 



"In the multiple years I've known her, Shelly has always been a woman after God's heart. She loves fiercely, courageously preaching the truth not just in her words and songs, but also in her life. Her songs, her ministry, her marriage, and her artistry all exemplify her passion for Jesus and Jesus' passion for her. She empowers people to not settle for second best in any area of life."

Kevin Winebarger  •  Songwriter & Producer   •  Courage Studios



"Shelly is a gifted musician, sensitive worship leader, and a mature follower of Jesus. From the first Sunday I ministered alongside Shelly, her humility, her authentic faith, and her desire to see Jesus lifted up, not herself, was a blessing to me and the local church in which we both served.   Any church, retreat, or similar type gathering would be blessed to have Shelly minister through song and word.”

Shaun Sutton  •  Minister  •  Church of the Nazarene



"From being able to play multiple instruments so well to writing worship songs with rich lyrics, Shelly offers so much as a worship leader. Although Shelly is crazy talented as a musician, that’s not what impresses me the most about her. What stands out above all her abilities is the genuine humble spirit she exalts while on the platform leading worship. Her humility leading worship is unmatched. Shelly’s heart for God and passion to follow him tirelessly is always evident..."

Stephen Kihnley  •  Youth Pastor  •  Gallatin Church of the Nazarene



"Shelly, while serving as my Worship Pastor, exhibited not only outstanding musical talent but also a passion for Christ and a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. Your congregation will welcome her authenticity and humility."

Rev. Alan Thompson  •  Church of the Nazarene



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